Gain peace of mind, Saphico manages your ICT.
While advocating IT sobriety rare in the world of networks and ICT services, we adapt to the ambitions and the resources of your organization.
With our tailor-made solutions, you save time and work space, save energy, human and environmental resources.
ICT Protection
Our ranges of protectionICT Services
At Saphico, we support you throughout a process that is as fluid as it is controlled to define, with you, the best solution for your ICT.
Discover our servicesCloud ICT
Boost your success with backing up your data in the cloud. Give your employees fast and immediate access to all their data everywhere.
Your data in the cloudCommunication ICT
Reduce your telephone costs by up to 80%! Bring together your means of communication under a single platform hosted in the cloud and gain in simplicity.
The benefits of VOIPDocuments Management
Gain efficiency, quality and costs by optimizing your document flows thanks to the innovative solutions of the leading brands of which we are privileged partners.
Documents ManagementSurveillance cameras
Secure and protect your premises from intruders with our professional, wired or WIFI surveillance equipment.
Our Pro cameras